The New Adventures of Peter Pan: Fairy Friendship

Judul: The New Adventures of Peter Pan: Fairy Friendship
Genre: Animation
Release Date: 2 Februari 2016
Durasi: 22 min
Rated: PG-13
Format: OD DTS R1
Bahasa: Inggris
Subtittle: Indonesia, Inggris
Pemain: Mehani Taric, Benjamin Bollen, Lisa Caruso

The anime starts with Wendy having a dream about Peter Pan rescuing her and having a sword fight with Captain Hook. Wendy and her two brothers, later on in the episode, go to Never Never land and Wendy becomes the 'mother' of the Lost boys. Throughout the series, a romance blooms between Peter and Wendy, as they go on fights with pirates. The last half of the series go to a different direction than the original story line, and also introduce a new character (Princess Luna), who becomes an important part of the last episodes.