William The Conqueror

Judul: William The Conqueror
Genre: History | Action
Release Date: 31 Juli 2017
Durasi: 90 min
Rated: PG-13
Format: OD DTS R1
Bahasa: Inggris
Subtitles: Indonesia, Inggris
Pemain: Eric Rulliat, Tiésay Deshayes, Jean-Damien Détouillon

It is the year 1066. William, the nobel son of the late Duke of Normandy, embarks on a heroic quest to invade medieval England in a bid to seize rightful power of his home-land which has come under threat by rebel traitors claiming to be heir to his throne.  Aided by his loyal men, a large fleet of soldiers, a bloody battle entails as William fights tirelessly to fulfil his destiny and becomes the first Normal King of England. The legendary William The Conqueror. The rest, is history.